Wednesday, December 28, 2011

An open heart. The good and the not so good.

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.

They say that an open heart is one that is easily broken.  Though I know that to be true, I also know that without an open heart, love can not enter.

Sometimes I think my heart is open a little too wide.  I accept love too quickly, forgive too easily and get hurt too often.

Many times, I look back and think, “Man, I thought we were closer than we obviously were.” 

How did that happen?  And why?

Maybe because I just simply choose love.  I suppose I innocently thought that when people say things, they meant them – and meant them forever.  The promises of forever friendship, being there, loving me, a bond…forever.

It's hard to be jaded.  I see it all around me.  But it isn’t something I can be – for long.

Oh I try to harden my heart.  Protect it from the next time I naively believe the closeness and the promises.  But then, naturally, my heart opens wide and out pours love.

What is the lesson?

I don’t really know.

Balance perhaps?  Don’t let people in quite so easily?  Don’t trust the promises of forever with every person that offers them?  Don’t take it personally when they walk away?

I don’t know.

I do know that I am blessed for these experiences.  Blessed because it makes me look deep within myself and know that I am giving and choosing love, constantly.  I am coming from a place of pure love.  Do you want a piece of my heart?  Sure, here it is - forever.  And my forevers truly are - forever. 

Because without love, what is there?  Really?


Choose Love.  Even if it’s scary.  Even if it means getting hurt. 

Choosing Love for yourself means believing that you are worth it – and man, that’s a hard one to swallow sometimes.  That self worth thing.

But you are – so – totally – worth – it!

Believe it. 
Open your heart.
Choose Love.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Real, unconditional love...

I have never met a person whose greatest need was anything other than real, unconditional love. You can find it in a simple act of kindness toward someone who needs help. There is no mistaking love. You feel it in your heart. It is the common fiber of life, the flame of that heats our soul, energizes our spirit and supplies passion to our lives. It is our connection to God and to each other.

-         Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Is there anything better than real, unconditional love?  The kind of love where you don’t feel judged and you are free to be your true, authentic self.  The kind of love that is safe in that you can show your flaws and know they’ll be embraced.  The kind of love that gives without wanting anything back.  The kind of love that shows true compassion and is loyal and real.  The kind of love that shows appreciation and is honored to receive your real, unconditional love back.

Whether we receive real, unconditional love from our family, our spouse or partner or our friends, it is a gift worth treasuring.  It is a gift worth nurturing and paying attention to.

Real love, sadly, is rare.  But when you find it, grab it with both hands and hold onto it with all your heart.

Oh man, that’s the good stuff.  Never let it go.

Be Love.  Embrace Love.  Choose Love.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Real love is...

If you cannot be loyal, trusting and genuine, then you are not ready to love.  For love to be real, it has to be pure and honest.

It’s been a while since I’ve written.  How fast time flies when you’re having fun!  The holidays are fast approaching and with that comes new memories made, decorations, family fun, holiday parties, Christmas music, baking and all the rest of the crazy happiness the holidays bring.

There is so much love surrounding me.  I feel it, and I feel blessed, in this moment.

Carrying on traditions with my family and starting new traditions has made this Thanksgiving into Christmas season one of the happiest of my life!

As I watched my husband and children walk toward me I realized that the love they give me every single day is loyal, genuine, real, honest and pure.  There are no expectations.  They are careful with my heart.  They celebrate me, as I am.  They are proud of me and share that pride with others. 

What a gift! 

That’s the only Christmas gift I need.  Their love.  And I already have it.  I need nothing more.  My cup runneth over.

Choose Love.