Sunday, November 13, 2011

For You.

When you think you can’t, you can.

For you…

Yes, you. I am writing this for you.

You stumbled, searched, happened upon or returned to this blog for a reason.  Nothing is by chance and it is no coincidence that you are reading this. It was written for you.

Whether you are walking through life with your heart closed off to love or you are afraid of stepping outside of your box, this is for you.  If you are stuck in sadness and feel there is no way out, this is for you.  When you can’t get out of bed, and the world seems too big to face, this is for you.  And if you are bogged down by anger and ego, this is for you.

Yes, life can be hard. Each day can be a challenge.  Smiling feels like torture sometimes.  We have a hard time forgiving, moving on, letting go, loving.  It’s part of being human.

This. Will.  Pass.

I promise you, it WILL get better. 

 You deserve to feel validated, safe, surrounded by love.  You also deserve laughter, silliness, fun and happiness.  As a soul, living a human life – these are your “soul rights.” 

As a beautiful, bright soul, you deserve true, pure happiness.

Nobody can take away your happiness but you.

They can lie about you, passively aggressively strike out at you, try to make you feel like you don’t belong, abuse you, bully you and try their best to bring you down and keep you there.

But the power to rise above is inside of you.  You get to decide if they control your happiness or if YOU do.

You control your own destiny.  You decide if your life is going to be lived with happiness and an open heart.

If your heart is closed off to love, happiness, adventure, positive change – you can change that!  YOU HAVE THE POWER!

Decide today that you are worthy of all good things.  Believe it.  Know it!  Because it’s true – you are!

You are wonderful and worthy, beautiful and blessed and deserving of every good thing life has to offer.

My heart sends out love and compassion to everyone struggling.    

I believe in you.  Now it’s your turn to believe in yourself.

Choose Love.

Friday, November 11, 2011

11-11-11 and Intuition

Faith is a passionate intuition. - William Wordsworth


If you’re a quirky person like I am, you add these numbers up.  And if you’re quirky like I am, you see that they add up to the number 6.  That is my lifepath number.  It’s a number that I’ve had a connection to since I learned what numbers were.  There are few favorites that I can answer for sure, my favorite number is one I can most definitely answer.

Going quirkier, you add the 11-11-2011.  That equals 8.  Then you break it down.  2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8.  Those darn even numbers bring me comfort.  Yet another quirk that I’ve done since I knew what numbers were.  I base many of my decisions on how I feel about the number itself, broken down, added up, etc.  The address of a house I’m buying, the date of a function I am invited to, a friend or mates birthday, etc.

It’s just another tool God gave me to help me listen to my intuition.

Intuition comes in many forms.  Gut instinct, signs in nature, answers in the tarot or runes, angels and/or guides whispering softly or prayer that you feel was answered. 

Today is 11-11-11.  Does this date tell us something?  Is this a special date?  I usually make a wish at or pm if I catch it.  Why?  Again, it’s another tool of releasing what you want to the universe and trusting the universe to manifest it to you.  Does today tell us to do that?  I believe it does.

Trust your intuition.  On this day, make a wish – a want – a need.  Say it out loud.  Write it down on a piece of paper and burn it or bury it.  Talk to God, tell the universe what you need.  Guidance, answers, a decision, etc.  Let it go and trust that it is done.

Then – listen.  Trust your intuition in whatever form that comes to you.  Does your gut tell you whether or not to answer yes or no?  Trust it! Do you see a hawk soar and know that your loved one is still with you?  Believe it!  Does a long lost friend call you with wonderful news?  Celebrate it!  Does that address add up to the number that you know is comfortable for you?  Go with it!  Trust your intuition!  You have all the answers and guidance you will ever need.  God made sure of it.

It’s no mistake that today is 11-11-11 AND a full moon!  All that wonderful energy waiting for us!

Pray/ask.  Let it go.  Trust that it is done. Then listen.

Choose Love!

God Bless our Veterans, past and present.  May you be blessed with all good things.  We thank you, wholeheartedly for your courage.  We thank your families for their sacrifice as well.  Much love!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

You "Feelers" aren't alone!

Just as there are degrees of cerebral intelligence, there are degrees of emotional feelers. There are people who are more intelligent than I am.  However, I feel more deeply than most people.  This is authentically true for me.  

I may not have the gift of super intelligence.  I’m pretty smart, but Mensa won’t be courting me anytime soon.  I sure as heck don’t have a photographic memory.  Heck, I couldn’t tell you what I had for breakfast this morning.

But I have a high degree of emotional feeling.  God blessed me with a very tender heart.  This is a wonderful gift that I so often embrace.  It helps me see things differently, from a more compassionate place.  It’s what allows me to forgive those that have hurt me or hurt others, as I can see the good in people.  Sometimes long before others do.

It also means that I tend to be more like weeping willow tree.  Melancholy and fragile at times but able to withstand unusual surroundings and encompass those around me with my love and protection. 

There are times that I truly don’t understand why things happen the way they do.  I suppose I could just let it go, move on, accept it.  But that isn’t in my nature.  I fight for understanding.  It’s part of who I am.  It’s why I always fight for the underdog.  Always.  It’s why I feel compassion for people that most don’t.  It’s why I am able to love, still, after being hurt.  And it’s why I don’t judge others, regardless of where they are on their path. 

Feelings are a funny thing.  I believe they are indicators that help guide us through life and bring us closer to God.  Feelings are the map of life.  They are the rainbow of the soul.  It’s what makes us beautiful and unique.

The purpose and intent of this blog post, is to let other “feelers” know that they aren’t alone.  Sometimes we feel like we aren’t of this world.  We cry easily because we feel deeply.  We get hurt easier because we love quickly and with our whole heart and give trust before it’s earned.  We forgive easier then most because we feel compassion for those wanting another chance to do better.

My hope is that if someone reaches out to you that may seem rather sensitive and down, you will try to lift them up.  Validate them.  Accept them as they are and love them right where they are on their path.  Understand that we are all different with varying degrees of cerebral and emotional intelligence.  None better or more important then the other. 

Exercise your emotional muscle.  Reach out with your whole heart.  Take a chance.  Love yourself as you are.  NEVER give up trying to understand and learn about other people, other souls.

And as always, Choose Love.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Do you show your true colors?

I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
Are beautiful, like a rainbow.
 - Cyndi Lauper

You know what gives me comfort?  Knowing that the people in my life are people I can show my “true colors” to.  They love me because I am real, flawed, screwed up and still learning and questioning life.  I don’t have to pretend or censor myself around them.  My “true blue” self can shine (or muddle its way) through. 

It gives me great comfort to know that I can be silly, goofy and dorky at times.  Yes, even at 40 years old, I still love to laugh and pretend I’m not a day over 15.  My soul doesn’t feel 40, that’s for sure!

Don’t we all deserve those kinds of people in our lives?  People we walk this path with; crying, talking, laughing, screaming.  But also, people that really “see” us.  They see our struggles, our silliness, our weaknesses and our quirks and they love us anyway!  They love us because of those quirks!

Life is too short to be lived with people that hold you back rather than life you up.  The people who love you should help you build bridges through hardship and teach you how to fly when you've forgotten how.

This is my wish for all of you.  That you find accepting, loving, non-judgmental, amazing people in your life.  I call them my True Blues.  My wish is that you walk with your truth openly and that your colors shine brightly and are celebrated and loved!

Open your heart and show your “true colors.”  You may be surprised at the “True Blues” you’ll find along the way!

Choose Love