Tuesday, November 8, 2011

You "Feelers" aren't alone!

Just as there are degrees of cerebral intelligence, there are degrees of emotional feelers. There are people who are more intelligent than I am.  However, I feel more deeply than most people.  This is authentically true for me.  

I may not have the gift of super intelligence.  I’m pretty smart, but Mensa won’t be courting me anytime soon.  I sure as heck don’t have a photographic memory.  Heck, I couldn’t tell you what I had for breakfast this morning.

But I have a high degree of emotional feeling.  God blessed me with a very tender heart.  This is a wonderful gift that I so often embrace.  It helps me see things differently, from a more compassionate place.  It’s what allows me to forgive those that have hurt me or hurt others, as I can see the good in people.  Sometimes long before others do.

It also means that I tend to be more like weeping willow tree.  Melancholy and fragile at times but able to withstand unusual surroundings and encompass those around me with my love and protection. 

There are times that I truly don’t understand why things happen the way they do.  I suppose I could just let it go, move on, accept it.  But that isn’t in my nature.  I fight for understanding.  It’s part of who I am.  It’s why I always fight for the underdog.  Always.  It’s why I feel compassion for people that most don’t.  It’s why I am able to love, still, after being hurt.  And it’s why I don’t judge others, regardless of where they are on their path. 

Feelings are a funny thing.  I believe they are indicators that help guide us through life and bring us closer to God.  Feelings are the map of life.  They are the rainbow of the soul.  It’s what makes us beautiful and unique.

The purpose and intent of this blog post, is to let other “feelers” know that they aren’t alone.  Sometimes we feel like we aren’t of this world.  We cry easily because we feel deeply.  We get hurt easier because we love quickly and with our whole heart and give trust before it’s earned.  We forgive easier then most because we feel compassion for those wanting another chance to do better.

My hope is that if someone reaches out to you that may seem rather sensitive and down, you will try to lift them up.  Validate them.  Accept them as they are and love them right where they are on their path.  Understand that we are all different with varying degrees of cerebral and emotional intelligence.  None better or more important then the other. 

Exercise your emotional muscle.  Reach out with your whole heart.  Take a chance.  Love yourself as you are.  NEVER give up trying to understand and learn about other people, other souls.

And as always, Choose Love.

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