I see your true colors
And that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
Are beautiful, like a rainbow.
- Cyndi Lauper
You know what gives me comfort? Knowing that the people in my life are people I can show my “true colors” to. They love me because I am real, flawed, screwed up and still learning and questioning life. I don’t have to pretend or censor myself around them. My “true blue” self can shine (or muddle its way) through.
It gives me great comfort to know that I can be silly, goofy and dorky at times. Yes, even at 40 years old, I still love to laugh and pretend I’m not a day over 15. My soul doesn’t feel 40, that’s for sure!
Don’t we all deserve those kinds of people in our lives? People we walk this path with; crying, talking, laughing, screaming. But also, people that really “see” us. They see our struggles, our silliness, our weaknesses and our quirks and they love us anyway! They love us because of those quirks!
Life is too short to be lived with people that hold you back rather than life you up. The people who love you should help you build bridges through hardship and teach you how to fly when you've forgotten how.
This is my wish for all of you. That you find accepting, loving, non-judgmental, amazing people in your life. I call them my True Blues. My wish is that you walk with your truth openly and that your colors shine brightly and are celebrated and loved!
Open your heart and show your “true colors.” You may be surprised at the “True Blues” you’ll find along the way!
Choose Love
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