The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they’re alive. – Orlando Battista
Sometimes I wonder why it’s so hard for people (myself included at times) to let go and just, love. Why do we let our egos get in the way? What stops us from being the bigger person, reaching out, loving?
It's been said that when you are truly balanced and at one with God/Spirit/One, you are at the place between thought and ego. That place is love.
When you are in the “love place” it’s easier to love yourself and others. It’s easy for you to express that love, that part of you that is pure soul. Your ego isn’t allowed to enter that space; therefore, nothing stops you from sharing that authentic part of yourself. Your true self.
Ego is everywhere. It’s that little voice that tells you that you’re always right. It’s that hurt that you feel when you feel you’ve been wronged. It’s that place you go to when you feel that you’ve been victimized. It’s in the walls we build, the space we create and the distances we place between us and those around us.
To go to the “loving place,” close your eyes. Focus on what you are thinking. What are your thoughts? Now focus on what you are feeling. Are you happy? Sad? Frightened? Hurt? Angry? Finally, focus on that space in between. There is a space between thought and feeling that is the core of who you are.
That is the real you. That is soul. That is connection to God/Spirit/One. That is the "love place."
Once you’re there, peace reigns. You are now connected to every person and living thing around you. The trees, the animals. You are pure love. You are connected to the divine. Allow yourself to remain in that space as long as you can.
Try to do this as often as you can throughout your day.
The more often you do this, the more centered you’ll be in your authentic self and the more peaceful you’ll be.
Then, you don’t even have to Choose Love. You ARE love.
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