Faith is a passionate intuition. - William Wordsworth
If you’re a quirky person like I am, you add these numbers up. And if you’re quirky like I am, you see that they add up to the number 6. That is my lifepath number. It’s a number that I’ve had a connection to since I learned what numbers were. There are few favorites that I can answer for sure, my favorite number is one I can most definitely answer.
Going quirkier, you add the 11-11-2011 . That equals 8. Then you break it down. 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8. Those darn even numbers bring me comfort. Yet another quirk that I’ve done since I knew what numbers were. I base many of my decisions on how I feel about the number itself, broken down, added up, etc. The address of a house I’m buying, the date of a function I am invited to, a friend or mates birthday, etc.
It’s just another tool God gave me to help me listen to my intuition.
Intuition comes in many forms. Gut instinct, signs in nature, answers in the tarot or runes, angels and/or guides whispering softly or prayer that you feel was answered.
Today is 11-11-11 . Does this date tell us something? Is this a special date? I usually make a wish at or pm if I catch it. Why? Again, it’s another tool of releasing what you want to the universe and trusting the universe to manifest it to you. Does today tell us to do that? I believe it does.
Trust your intuition. On this day, make a wish – a want – a need. Say it out loud. Write it down on a piece of paper and burn it or bury it. Talk to God, tell the universe what you need. Guidance, answers, a decision, etc. Let it go and trust that it is done.
Then – listen. Trust your intuition in whatever form that comes to you. Does your gut tell you whether or not to answer yes or no? Trust it! Do you see a hawk soar and know that your loved one is still with you? Believe it! Does a long lost friend call you with wonderful news? Celebrate it! Does that address add up to the number that you know is comfortable for you? Go with it! Trust your intuition! You have all the answers and guidance you will ever need. God made sure of it.
It’s no mistake that today is 11-11-11 AND a full moon! All that wonderful energy waiting for us!
Pray/ask. Let it go. Trust that it is done. Then listen.
Choose Love!
God Bless our Veterans, past and present. May you be blessed with all good things. We thank you, wholeheartedly for your courage. We thank your families for their sacrifice as well. Much love!
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