Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Promise to My Children

A mother's love is instinctual, unconditional, and forever. - Unknown

A mother understands what a child does not say. - Jewish proverb

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity; it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path. - Agatha Christie

A boy's best friend is his mother. - Joseph Stefano

My Promise to My Children

I promise to always make sure that you know you matter.  And I will never stop making you aware of this fact.

I promise to love you even if you are unlovable in the moment. 

I promise to be there.  Not just physically, but emotionally as well.  Nothing is more important to me than being there for you.

I promise to keep an open mind when talking with you.  I know that you are not me and therefore I realize that you process and handle things differently then I do, and that’s alright.  I will keep talking with you until I understand you, completely.

I promise to guide you spiritually.  I promise to respect the path that you choose to walk with God.

I promise that when I make mistakes (and I will) I will always apologize and ask you for forgiveness.

I promise to celebrate you.  Every birthday, every first, every accomplishment, etc.  I will celebrate YOU.

I promise that you will always see love in my eyes.  When you walk into the room, you will see that you matter in my eyes. 

I promise to laugh with you and be silly with you.  I promise to show you that laughter is important in life.

I promise to hug you with intent.  I promise that you will feel my love in those hugs.

I promise to always want to know you.  I promise to talk to you about the different changes, paths and adventures you will find yourself on.  I promise to always be interested in your life.

I promise to always hug you and say, “I love you” when leaving each other.

I promise to let you be the person that you were born to be with none of my own expectations laid upon you. 

I promise never to speak badly of you to anyone for I know that your struggles are part of your life’s lesson and I respect that.

I promise to listen to you when you speak.  I promise to stay quiet inside and not listen while waiting to speak myself.  I will truly listen to what you are saying.

I promise to respect your decisions, even if I don’t agree with them.  I know that we are different souls having different human experiences.  I promise to always remember that my path isn’t your path.

I promise that should everyone else walk away, I never will.  I will never turn my back on you.  Ever.  I promise to always welcome you home with open arms.    

I promise to care for you when you are sick.

I promise that should you fall, I will be there to help you back up.  When you are weak, I will be your strength.

I promise to love you with no strings and with no conditions. 

You, my children, are my heart and my soul.  I carried you physically inside of me and fell in love with you before I ever held you.  And I promise to carry you in my heart with a love that knows no ending – only a beginning and a forever.

My beautiful children, my miracles…for you…I will always…

Choose Love


Shannon said...

Your boys will forever be blessed because of you <3

RajHearts said...

Michelle: Is this message "My Promise to My Children" your own or did you get this quote from somewhere else ? Just curious. I like your blog !