Monday, September 26, 2011

How do you make people feel?

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou

This quote always stirs something in me.  I often remember feelings more than actual memories.  Looking back on my life, I usually remember how I felt with someone rather than what we actually did or said.  So easily, I believe, we can forget moments, details, words, etc.  But we never forget how we felt.

For me, I am drawn to people who are non judgmental, compassionate, funny and accepting.  The need to feel safe with someone is top of the list.  Safe in that I can be who I am without being judged or cast aside as someone easily discarded.  Isn’t that something most people want?  To be able to be their true, authentic self and it be accepted rather then dissected and thrown away? 

When leaving after meeting with family or friends, I often walk away with a feeling rather than actual details.  There are times where I am bursting with happiness, that warm, fuzzy feeling that you want to share with the world.  Then there are times that I leave feeling depleted of all acceptance and rather sad.

Same with phone or email conversations.  The intent may not be clear, but the feeling usually is. 

When pouring your heart out doesn’t’ negate a response, well, it’s rather hurtful.  And that is a feeling you remember.  When you are pushed out of someone’s life or circumstances, it also, is not a great feeling.  When someone uses words or actions to hurt you, it’s often remembered in how you felt, rather than the actual words or actions used.

You remember how you felt around these people.

You know if you are being judged and cast aside or if you are being loved and accepted.  It’s a feeling you receive from someone that goes beyond words or actions.

The intent in this post is to call attention to how we all make people feel.  I hope that when people are around me, they feel loved and accepted as they are with no expectations or stipulations.  I hope that I communicate effectively what I want and need in a relationship so that nobody is left wondering.  I hope that I treat people as I want to be treated and that others know that I want to be treated equally as well.  I hope that when people leave a conversation or visit with me, they leave knowing that they will always be welcomed back with open arms and an open heart.  I hope that with me, the people in my life feel safe.

I hope they know that though I will stumble and falter and that I am not near perfect, I will always…

Choose Love.


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