Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. - Robert Francis Kennedy
My heart cries for Jamey Rodemeyer’s sweet, innocent soul as well as for the family he left behind. My heart cries for every person that is denied the right to live without being bullied or discriminated against simply because of who they were born to be. My heart cries for the ignorance that is so easily bestowed upon people who are different then we are or who call into question our beliefs.
I find it reprehensible that a child felt he had no other choice then to DIE rather than live the life that he was born to live. Why are we not standing up for one another?
I can not believe that we are still tearing each other down for what we don't understand. Why are we not educating ourselves about our differences?
I find it appalling that this child was so scared of his peers, and their parents, that he felt he had no other choice then to take his own life.
I find it disgusting that we are not holding these people accountable for helping to kill this child. And that’s what he was, a child.
Bullying is a hate crime. Jamey cried out for help! Where were we? Comfortable in our homes with our heads nicely buried in the sand? In church preaching about how Jesus loves everyone and how we should do the same? Grateful that it isn't our child that was being so endlessly tortured?
We are all equal regardless of gender, religion, sexual orientation, race, weight, etc. Let me repeat that for those that didn’t get it the first time:
We are ALL EQUAL. And we should be treated as such. Our differences do not need to be understood to be respected. And our differences certainly should not negate bullying, hate, threats and violence.
These were KIDS that were telling this BOY that he should die because he is a "faggot" and "all faggots go to hell." These sick people (parents included) are still bullying this child after he has already committed suicide. Yelling, "Nobody cares that you're dead!" at his funeral.
I understand that some people (as ignorant as it may be) think being gay is a choice. I get that there are some people (as ignorant as it may be) that think being gay a "sin." But how dare you torture another INNOCENT human being! A child! Live your own life and leave others to live their life in peace. I truly do NOT understand this world and the hate that surrounds so many people and their "views." Stop the hate. Bullying is a HATE CRIME.
You go to prison for smoking marijuana, but not for bullying someone into suicide? What is wrong with us?
You go to prison for not paying your taxes, but not for terrifying and threatening a child?
Wake up, I beg you! Do something!
Write to President Obama here:
- Fill in the required blanks in the "Contact the White House" form. Those fields include your full name, zip code and a subject line. You must limit your message to 2,500 characters. You must also fill in two code words on the bottom of the page. The code words prevent automated spam transmissions. Tell President Obama that bullying is a hate crime and should be treated as such.
- Call your local schools and make sure they have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for bullying. Ask that there be rules and actions in place for any child being bullied. If it isn’t a law in your state, write your law makers until it happens.
- Join The Bully Project. Share it with your family and friends. Talk to the local schools about implementing some of the tools you can find there. Click on the resources tab located at the top of this site. There are a myriad of resources here. Share them with everyone you know, schools, churches, etc.
Please, PLEASE be a voice for these children.
Thinking of all those that are suffering today simply because of other peoples ignorance. Praying that someday we will all, finally, do what Jesus did - CHOOSE LOVE!
Watch Jamey’s brave, inspirational and soul wrenching videos here: