“Do not judge yourself harshly. Without mercy for ourselves we cannot love the world.” Buddha
How do we not judge ourselves harshly with all of the negative input we receive daily? From media, friends, family, etc. Telling us that we aren't doing enough or trying hard enough. Our bodies are too fat or too thin. Our skin is too light or too dark or has too many wrinkles and is saggy. There are constant commercials on the TV and radio about how sick we might be and offering amazing medication full of deadly (quickly spoken) side effects to help us “cope.” Magazines have us comparing ourselves to the airbrushed unreality that lies in the glossy pages.
We look next door and think about what we don’t have. A bigger house, newer car, nicer yard, more vacations, brand name debt. Our job rarely fulfills us and is a necessary and often soul draining, evil.
Too often, we pass this on to our children. Loading their schedules until they actually ask to stay home and do nothing. School, sports, music, homework, better grades, friends, socializing. Pressure. They learn too soon that according to society, they are supposed to know how well they are doing ONLY once they’ve compared themselves to someone else. Like we grown ups do.
How can we expect our children to go out into the world with love and compassion if we aren’t teaching them how to feel it for ourselves first? To be confident in knowing what we want and need as individuals. How can we expect them to fulfill their greatest good if they are constantly comparing themselves to someone else’s victories?
What if there was nobody else to compare yourself to? What if you really are exactly where YOU need to be? What if your body, your health, your job, your house, etc. was really exactly perfect – for you? What if you chose to love your self, your life – exactly as it is right now? Without any outside comparison.
Before we can give love to others, we need to feel it for ourselves. A lake can’t offer water if it’s empty. We can’t offer love if our hearts are empty.
Take a moment today and look inside of yourself. Don’t let in any outside comparisons. Love your body, as it is. Love your job, as it is. Love your home, as it is. Love your children, as they are. And show them that you also, choose love for yourself.
Choose love…
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